A horse that is put on forced box rest faces a number of challenges and possible complications, usually related to its digestive system and functioning of the large intestine. Antibiotic treatments can, for example, knock out some of the microflora in the large intestine and horses treated with penicillin ought to be given a supplement such as GASTRO SUPPORT to support their natural microflora. KRAFFT Gastro Support is available from most well-stocked equestrian shops.

A convalescent horse should have access to hygienic and good quality straw. The straw adds fibre and gives the horse something to do. Any concentrate feed, if given, must not be rich in fibre or energy. Starchy feed should be avoided as this may have an adverse effect on the colon function and muscles of the convalescent horse.

It is also very important to make sure that the convalescent horse has constant access to clean and fresh water. For better control of how much water the horse consumes, water should be provided in buckets. Horses that have recently undergone surgery may have difficulties drinking due to pain or because they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, e.g. a veterinary hospital. Nor is it unusual for convalescent horses to become anxious when their stable companions are turned out and they end up alone in the stable. This could also have an effect on their desire to eat and drink.

Rich in both fat and fibre, our KRAFFT Groov range of products is the perfect choice for the convalescent horse.